Sierra Leone is a small country (republic) in
West Africa that borders Guinea and Liberia. It's capital is
Freetown, which is where the Africa Mercy is currently
docked through December. The population is 6 million: 60% muslim, 30% Christian, and 10% animist. The literacy rate is only 15-30%. It is one of the poorest countries in the world with over 70% of the population unemployed.
Sierra Leone was devastated by a civil war which lasted from 1991 to 2002, and killed tens of thousands of people. As a result of this, it is the poorest country in the world according to the Human Development Index. The average life expectancy is only 41 years!
Here are a few photos of Freetown. It is a city that is literally packed with people - 1.2 million people.

This is what the slums of Freetown look like. The largest slum in Sierra Leone, called "Kroo Bay" is home to over 6,000 people. Diseases like malaria run rampant in such cramped living quarters.

I know that I often take for granted all of the luxuries that we have in America. My upcoming trip to Sierra Leone will definitely be eye-opening and life changing. Please continue to pray as I'm preparing to leave in 24 days!
**Fundraising update: I have currently raised $2,650 out of $5,000. If you feel led to give, click HERE.
"We must go live to feed the hungry, stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing, move us into action
We must go"
-Tim Hughes "God of Justice"
You're over half-way there now! :)
ReplyDeleteHey, you left my first comment! :D
ReplyDeleteVery true...I hope it's downhill from here.
Can you leave ur comment again on mercyshipslinks it was accidentally deleted
ReplyDeleteSure, no problem!